Wednesday, October 28, 2009

A first poem

seeker of truth

follow no path
all paths lead where

truth is here

This site is dedicated to my tremendous love and appreciation for the poetry of E. E. Cummings, and this first poem is a good place to start. Indeed, there is so much wisdom in his poetry that it is a place I will return to the rest of my life for inspiration and guidance. I looked around the web for a site dedicated to his poetry and have found none, so here it goes. This will be a purely amateur and devotional site, with nothing more than a poem posted with some of my views of how it is so beautiful. It will be of no interest to any one not already in love with his poetry, who doesn't also happen to be me!

This particular poem is so true it just oozes it. On first reading it back in college I was struck with a permanent impact and it has not left my mind since. I recite it to myself many times a day, and have done so every day since that first day.

We spend enormous amounts of our energy pursuing paths. We study religion, psychotherapy, football or whatever, in a conscious or numb attempt to fill our holes, and yet we don't. We patch them sometimes, or drug them over, but it is not fulfilling. When you follow a path, the paths all lead somewhere, true enough, but where they lead is back to themselves. They end in themeslves. They are themselves.

To be elsewhere, to be here, you must just sit down-here. And that here place, it can be called "truth". That he even used the word "truth" speaks to his appreciation for that unspeakable reality of things we know as beyond falsehood.

This poem is a great friend, a great beacon, a lighthouse of my mind. It guides me every day toward the recognition that I must be here now, here, now.

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